Are you in retirement? YesNo
Are you near retirement? YesNo
Do you own your own business? Are you a business owner? YesNo
Do you have at least $250,000 in investable assets? YesNo
Do you have a clear picture of how your investments work with your retirement dreams? YesNo
What do you like to do in your free time?
Securing Guaranteed Lifetime Income. Major ConcernMinor ConcernNot a ConcernI’m Unsure
Running out of money in retirement. Major ConcernMinor ConcernNot a ConcernI’m Unsure
Easy access to liquid assets to cover unforeseen expenses. Major ConcernMinor ConcernNot a ConcernI’m Unsure
Loss of purchasing power over time due to inflation. Major ConcernMinor ConcernNot a ConcernI’m Unsure
How taxes could potentially decrease income in retirement. Major ConcernMinor ConcernNot a ConcernI’m Unsure
Potential financial Impact of the loss of a spouse. Major ConcernMinor ConcernNot a ConcernI’m Unsure
Investment asset decline at the time of or during retirement. Major ConcernMinor ConcernNot a ConcernI’m Unsure